Fresh cut flowers & logistic


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Working with over 20 farms in Colombia and Ecuador gives us access to more than 30 product lines and hundreds of varieties. We select farms that grow one or few flower types because we believe that specialization results in better quality and cost control.

We monitor carefully the farms’ environmental, social and welfare programs making sure that Davila Farm Link always partners with responsible and sustainable organizations. 

Our long-time business relations with growers and our multi-market model facilitates a closer communication with the farms and thus better negotiations for our clients.



We can work with your current cargo agencies and freight forwarders or contact you with new ones who will take care of all export & import processes as well as international and local transport. 

We follow up transport from farm to destination making sure that our flowers are properly handled in terms routes, itineraries and temperature, so that our clients get fresh flowers that exceed their expectations.


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We operate under lean margins and low overheads making it more efficient and less costly to buy through us than having an in-house purchasing operation or buying from local suppliers.

You can reach us 24/7 by phone, e-mail, Whatsapp, Skype, etc. We never keep our clients waiting because our job is to take away the time and resource consuming work behind flower procurement so that clients can focus on more important things such as sales and growth. 

Need more information? Please contact us and we will be delighted to help you and clarify any questions!


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